64 Important SaaS Metrics for SaaS Entrepreneurs & Teams to Understand

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64 Important SaaS Metrics for SaaS Entrepreneurs & Teams to Understand

One of the hardest problems every SaaS company must deal with is determining how profitable its clients are. Or how much could we change our client-attraction strategy? SaaS analytics can provide the answers to these questions.    

Most SaaS companies are conscious of the significance of metrics but maintaining track of the crucial information is the main challenge and most frequent source of error. The situation could get worse if they fail to use the right KPIs for their businesses.

It makes sense that they are focused on measuring performance, and we have provided them with a thorough list of SaaS indicators to assist them in determining which metrics are most crucial to them.

Now that you realise how crucial it is to track the proper metrics for SaaS growth, your biggest difficulty could end up being your ladder to success.

SaaS Metrics

The related metrics are provided and briefly described in the following four categories. There is a free cheat-sheet available that will enable you to quickly compute some of the most crucial KPIs for your business, making things simpler and more efficient for you.

  • Metrics for marketing
  • Sales Measures
  • Metrics for Customer Success
  • Growth Measures

Let's begin with our list of SaaS metrics now!

Marketing Metrics

Metrics for marketing

1.Exclusive website visitors Visitors to your website who are unique are those that come to it for the very first time during a specific period (generally a month). It helps in knowing the user type and their purpose of visiting your website. They can vary from people who visited your site out of curiosity to those who are ready to buy from you.

2.Email recipients

Your email subscribers are website visitors who register to receive your blog updates, newsletters, or just to be included to your mailing list. They do not yet pretend to be interested in your SaaS offering or any plan to purchase it, but they enjoy your material and would like to hear more about it, thus they really aren't leads.


Leads are website visitors who provide information (other than just an email) to obtain a free resource. They voluntarily provide their information to access the material you are providing, which qualifies them as leads.

4.Marketing Qualified Lead- MQL

The advertising qualified leads are those that demonstrate interest in your product by visiting and/or interacting with some product-focused web pages of your website and who match the profile of a typical client.

5.Sales qualified lead- SQL

Sales qualified leads are those leads that satisfy the requirements for MQLs and exhibit sales intent by asking for a demo or a live selling call or conversation.


The opportunities are those SQLs that have been sent to the marketing team to start the sales process.

7.Customers Who Pay

You paying customers are all the leads who spend money to purchase your item and commit to using it for a specific period. Even though it is primarily a sales indicator, it might be useful for SaaS marketers to know how so many MQLs have been converted into paying customers.

8.Demands for Free Demos and Trials

Not all SaaS products are premium-only. To attract the curiosity of potential consumers, or leads, many products offer free trials.

Because they haven't yet demonstrated any interest in buying your product and because free trials entail such a low level of commitment, users who sign up for them are typically counted as MQLs.

Similarly to this, many SaaS programmes need to be modified before use and call for a complex setup. Thus, such products are offered with live demonstrations.

9.Exchange Rate

The rate that a visitor is becoming a prospect and/or a lead has become a client is known as the conversion rate. While bringing in more visitors is essential for growing the customer base, boosting exchange rates can also help the business grow at a low cost.

10.Guest to Follow

It tracks the frequency with which a visitor turns into a lead. To convert website visitors into qualified leads, use strategies like pop-up window, pages, email subscription, and others. The method for calculating it is given below.

As follows is the method for determining the conversion rate of visitors to leads leads/visitors.

11.Follow the customer

It is the pace at which website leads become actual, paying customers. It aids in evaluating the calibre of the leads being produced. It can be computed using the formula below.

Exchange rate of leads to customers = Number of Customers ÷ Leads

12.MQL to SQL

It reflects how quickly your MQLs are being converted into SQLs. It also provides excellent information on the performance and lead quality. The calculation is as follows: SQL to MQL conversion rate is equal to the ratio of SQLs to MQLs

13.Free Trial for Paid Users, Paragraph

It measures how frequently trial users become paying clients. The business can generate a sizable amount of revenue by optimising this. The following formula can be used to compute it:

Conversion rate from free trials to paid customers is calculated as follows: Customers/free trials

14.Marketing Spend: Annual Contract Value on Average

It measures how much you spend on marketing compared to the annual value of the contract. It aids in calculating the ratio of marketing expenses to sales revenue.

Spend on Marketing: Value of Annual Contract

15.MQL Monthly Growth Rate

It is the rate of growth at which MQLs increase monthly. It can be computed in the manner listed below.

MQL Monthly Growth Rate = {(MQLs of Present Month – MQLs of Previous Month) ÷ MQLs of Last Month} × 100.

16.Rate of Monthly SQL Growth

It refers to the monthly pace of increase of the SQLs. It can be computed in the manner listed below.

Rate of Monthly SQL Growth = {(SQLs of Present Month – SQLs of Previous Month) ÷ SQLs of Previous Month} × 100

17.Return on Marketing Investment

It is a well-known fact that many marketing initiatives start out by offering more leads for less money, but over time they start to offer fewer leads for a higher financial investment. The Return on Investment (ROI) of each Marketing effort should therefore be monitored.

18.Consumer Profile

It is the classification of clients who have comparable characteristics. It's a good idea to have a variety of customer types since it allows you to identify the ones who are most profitable for your company so that you can focus your marketing efforts on them.

19.Velocity of Incoming Qualified Leads

The pace where the incoming leads increase each month is known as the inbound qualified lead velocity. Measuring sustainable growth in the procurement of generating prospects for your company is crucial.

20.Score for Customer Engagement

This rating will help you gauge how involved your customers are with your goods and/or services. Every company should have a customer engagement scale because they vary depending on the industry.

Recognizing the answers to queries like how frequently a client logs in each day might help develop it. Do they regularly utilise the service? What purpose does it serve? Which features do they use the most frequently? etc.

21.Quality Advertising Traffic

Your quality marketing audience is the amount of people that are returning but are not yet consumers. You may obtain more leads if you concentrate on this demographic.

Sales Metrics 

Sales Measures

1.Annual Contract Value (ACV)

The ACV shows you how much a customer's contract is worth over the course of a year. As an illustration, consider the following. Let's say a client pays $50000 for only a two-year contract. This will now produce $2083.33 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR; see Growth Metrics), and its ACV is $25,000.

2.Total Contract Value (TCV)

The net amount of the customer's contract, or TVC. If we use our prior example, the customer's TVC is $50000.

3.Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)

Knowing the revenue made per unit is helpful thanks to ARPA. It represents the monthly revenue produced by an “average” client or account. You may compute by using:

ARPA = MRR ÷ Number of Available Accounts

4.Average Selling Price (ASP)

The average initial cost that a consumer pays when a sale is made is revealed by the term “average selling price,” or “ASP.” It is computed in the manner listed below.

ASP = Overall Trade Revenue ÷ Total no. of Deals

5.Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition, or CAC Cost is the sum needed to bring in just one new client for your company. It provides an indication of what to spend to bring in new clients for the company. Typically, the overall cost of an item is calculated by adding the costs of marketing and sales. It's always computed for a particular amount of time.

CAC = Cost of Acquisition Cost

6.CAC Cashflow or Recover Months CAC

Only when a customer's acquisition cost is lower than the revenue they have created is it lucrative for the company. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the time frame during which a satisfaction of the customer sufficient revenue to outpace the cost of acquisition. The months to recover CAC are also known as the CAC Payback Period. The formula is as follows:

CAC Payback Time = CAC ÷ MRR of each consumer

7.Gross Margin Adjusted Payback Period

Due to the inclusion of the COGs, the CAC payback timeframe is more precise. It is computed in the manner listed below.

Overall Margin Corrected CAC Payback Period = CAC ÷ (MRR per consumer × Gross Margin)

8.Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

The amount of revenue a client has given over the course of their subscription, also known as Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) or simply CLV. This reveals the user's genuine worth and the contribution he or she makes to overall earnings.

LTV = ARPA ÷ Consumer Churn Rate


Knowing the relationship between the costs you incur to acquire customers and the returns one client provides to your SaaS company depends on understanding the proportion of LTV to CAC.

10.Percentage of Wins

The win rate gives you a clearer picture of how effective your sales force is. Typically, it is determined by comparing the total sales closed with overall deals (both won as well as lost).

11.Income Per Lead

This aids in estimating or calculating how much income your leads will likely generate. This formula is used to calculate it.

Income per Lead = ACV ÷ Amount of Leads

12.Lead Speed Rate

In the simplest words, it refers to the rate of monthly growth of your lead pool. Calculating leading velocity rate is as follows:

Lead Velocity Rate = {(Quality Leads of Present Month – Quality Leads of Past Month) Quality Leads of Previous Month} × 100

Customer Success Metrics

Metrics for Customer Success

Daily Active Users (DAU)

This client service metric merely measures the percentage of users who were active during a given day. Although it is an adequate indicator to see the overall number of active users, it does not indicate how engaged those users are.

Not all users of the service may have logged in, and some users may be actively contacting customer service or deleting their data.

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

MAU provides you with the overall number of users in a month, much like DAU does.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

It is a method that aids businesses in understanding the proportion of patrons that serve as brand ambassadors. It used the referral scale and frequently asked a single, well-known question: “How inclined are you to refer (SaaS product) to a colleague or a friend?” Afterwards, a satisfaction rating scale.

The NPS is then calculated by subtracting the proportion of Detractors from the proportion of Promoters.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

By posing a straightforward question like, “How would you rank your overall happiness with our service?” the score for customer satisfaction also employs the survey method. then a range from 1 to 5 is presented. The responses are then averaged to determine the CSAT.

CSAT = (Total amount of Customer Reaction ÷ 5 × Total number of respondents) × 100

Cross-sell and Upsell Rate

Upselling contributes to a certain amount of money, which is determined by calculating the upsell rate.

Rate of Upsell = Upsells' ACV ÷ Total ACV

The cross-sell rate is the same.

Rate of Cross-sell = ACV of Cross-sells ÷ Total ACV

The Viral Efficiency

Viral coefficient provides information on the expansion of your client base because of successful customers' recommendations. It tells you how many new customers your existing customers are referring to your company.

Viral Coefficient = (Number of Clients × Average Amount of Referrals × Referral Exchange Rate) ÷ Number of Clients

Referral Income

It is the total revenue that is generated by successful referrals in specific time. Customer referral is a great way of growth, and it does not require a lot of cost. So measuring the referral revenue helps understand the value referrals are adding to your business.

Referral Return on Investment (ROI)

It is the whole revenue produced over a specified period by successful referrals. Customer referral is an excellent growth strategy that doesn't cost much. The value that recommendations provide to your firm can be understood by measuring the referral revenue.

Referral ROI = (LTV-Recommendation Incentive) ÷ Appointment Incentive

Viral Referral ROI

The Viral Coefficient can be added to the equation to increase referral ROI. The viral referral ROI can be calculated using the following equation, where the average rate at which current users recommend new users is added.

Viral Referral ROI = ((LTV × (1+Viral Factor))-Recommendation Incentive) ÷ Appointment Incentive.

Growth metrics 

Growth Metrics

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

MRR is the total amount of recurring revenue produced by clients in each month. Knowing your SaaS company's monthly revenue increase is helpful. It can be easily calculated by looking at the monthly recurring revenue generated by consumers.

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

MRR is multiplied by 12 to calculate the yearly recurring revenue. It provides the total residual income that clients have produced over the course of a full year.

Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue (CMRR)

When predicting MRR, you should take into consideration any guaranteed revenue growth and/or anticipated churn. Here is how to determine your CMRR:

CMRR = MRR + Assured Expansion MRR – Anticipated Churn


The monthly revenue from new clients is known as new MRR.

Expansion MRR

The monthly income brought in by expanded subscriptions or renewals from current customers is known as the expansion MRR.

Churned MRR

The amount that the business loses through cancellations and churn is referred to as churned MRR.

Contraction MRR

The amount that is lost each month because of clients scaling back or downgrading their current subscriptions.

Reactivation MRR

The revenue derived from clients who have previously cancelled a plan and then come back.

Customer Churn Rate

The pace at which your current customers are quitting your service is known as your customer churn rate. Along with acquiring new customers, lowering the churn rate is crucial for corporate success.

Consumer Rate of Churn = Churned Consumers ÷ Total Consumers at the starting

Revenue Churn

The revenue churn rate, also known as the MRR churn rate, refers to the revenue loss brought on by existing customers downgrading or cancelling their subscriptions.

Revenue Churn Rate = (Previous Month’s MRR – Present Month’s MRR) ÷ Previous Month’s MRR


It describes the total amount obtained by new deals during a specific time, including both upfront and recurring payments. It differs from MRR in that it considers the entire amount earned within a given month rather than just the recurring revenue.

MRR Growth Rate

It is the pace of growth of your MRR over a specific time. Measuring the growth in sales monthly is crucial. To determine this:

MRR Growth Rate = ((Present Month’s MRR – Previous Month’s MRR) ÷ Previous Month’s MRR) × 100

Net New MRR

Instead of understanding the increase rate of sales in percentage form, most SaaS businesses need to know the actual quantity of money earned. Here, Net New MRR enters the picture. This equation can be used to compute it.

Net New MRR = Expansion MRR + New MRR – Churn MRR

SaaS Quick Ratio

To assess the healthiness of your revenue growth, it provides you with the ratio of revenue growth to churn. The contrast of your sales growth and revenue loss over a specific time is what it really is.

SaaS Quick Ratio = (Expansion MRR + New MRR) ÷ (Contraction MRR + Churned MRR)

Burn Rate

It is the pace at which an organisation or business uses its available funds over time. Knowing or estimating how much money a startup will need in each period of time for its next round of financing is more valuable to investors.

Gross Burn Rate

It is the total sum of money spent each month by a SaaS company.

Net Burn Rate

It is the money a business loses each month. The revenue is deducted from the expenditure, and the remaining amount is known as the net rate of consumption.

Zero Cash Date (ZCD)

It is the day that, depending on the rate of consumption and the absence of fresh revenue, it is anticipated that your company would run out of money.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

The cost of products sold in a SaaS firm is the overall amount needed to provide the service, including customer support and delivery and solution upgrades.

Gross Margin

It is the proportion of revenue that remains after deducting COGs from the whole amount of revenue earned.

Operating Income = (Income – COGs) ÷ Income


Growth is essentially the expansion and success of a business over a specific period. It establishes a company's profitability in terms of market share and revenue.


Cash is a straightforward indicator that represents the amount that can be used for business expenses. It is crucial for businesses to keep a close eye on this so they can manage their spending and avoid running out of money sooner than expected.

Finally, These are all crucial SaaS indicators that every marketer, founder, and investor should be aware of to improve growth and track performance. You may concentrate on the appropriate KPIs for your firm by being aware of each of these measurements.



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